It offers semantic security, data authentication, data integrity and freshness 它能提供网络数据内容的语义加密、数据源认证、数据完整性和数据新鲜。
Most research efforts are poured into the areas related to copyright protection and data authentication 大多数的研究主要是针对版权保护和数据认证这两个方面进行。
For example, they are often used in conjunction with encryption in order to achieve both data privacy and data authentication 例如,它们经常与加密联合使用,以便保持资料私有性和资料认证。
And since then, it has attracted attention more and more . now, digital watermarking has many other applications such as data authentication, indexing data, data hiding, and so on 目前,除了版权保护应用之外,数字水印技术还具有许多其它方面的应用,例如数据认证、索引数据、数据隐藏等。
It's also suggested that the research on multimedia data authentication should aim at concrete situation . it's undoubtedly that designing the watermark scheme based on watermark and cryptology should be promising 同时指出,将数字水印和现代密码学有机地结合起来,以之为基础构造水印方案,将是多媒体认证技术的发展的一个很有前景的方向。
With ipsec, data need n't worry about being sniffed, altered or faked while transferring through internet . ipsec is a framework of open standards that provides data confidentiality, data integrity, and data authentication between participating peers ipsec在网络层发挥作用,对传输的ip包进行保护和认证,它提供了在internet这样无保护的网络中传送敏感信息的安全保证。
The paper analyses the extranet's safe plan through weightiness, the factors that should be considered, goal establishment . the keystone is the safe technology that is used in data confidentiality, data integrality, data authentication 在分析外联网安全计划时,主要从外联网安全计划的重要性、制定外联网安全计划应考虑的因素、航交所外联网安全计划目标的制定三方面来论述。
Digital watermarks may be all kinds of information which can be embedded into multimedia data, just as digits, serial numbers, text, image symbols, so it can be used in copyright protection, marker production, covert communication, data ownership confirmation, data authentication 数字水印是指嵌入到多媒体数据中的信息,可以是数字、序列号、文字、图像标志等各类信息,以起到版权保护、标志产品、秘密通信、证实数据归属权、鉴别数据真伪等作用。
The research and the development on video frequency watermark are quite rapid, but its application is not that mature compared with the text watermark and the image watermark, its application mainly manifests in the following aspects : for instance, copyright protection, digital fingerprint, copy protection, broadcast monitoring, data authentication, title and indexing, safe covert communication and so on . from the studies on algorithm, there are also many relatively mature video frequencies watermarks algorithm at present, as stated in the text, but most of the research on watermark algorithm has not integrated with the practice application 在论文中,我们主要针对广播监控中的两种应用,即数字电视信号监控和广告监控,分别提出了两个可行的解决方案,并将之与水印技术相结合,分别实现了非压缩域和压缩域的水印方案。文中还就系统的具体实现进行了简单的分析,并提出了一些可行的改进方向。在进行视频水印实现之前,本文先针对图像水印进行了必要的模拟实验,进而分别针对压缩和非压缩两种情况进行了视频模拟实验。
For data authentication, we propose a wavelet based fragile watermarking algorithm, which takes full advantage of characters of a wavelet, limits the minimum distance between the value of coefficients and quantization boundary, and uses our method to round image pixels to integer values to form a digital image 本文的主要创新点概述如下:针对数据认证应用,我们提出了一种基于小波变换的脆弱水印算法,该算法充分利用了小波的特性,限制了系数幅值与量化边界的最小距离,使用了我们新提出的图像取整方法。